
By: Dillon Lucas

Previous Projects

first portfolio
First Portfolio

This project was where I started. I created this for myself and learned about the basics of HTML and Javascript in the process. I made this project for Thinkful Bootcamp. This was the very first project and my introduction into web design.

Git Repo
Decoder Project
Decoder App

Developed a decoding app that allows users to utilize three different encoding options. Create messages that can be encoded and decoded using the app. This App was built using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Git Repo
Pomodoro Timer
Pomodoro Timer

Created a Pomodoro Timer app to guide users through an efficient work and rest schedule. This App was built using React, JavaScript, and CSS

Git Repo
Flashcard App
Flashcard App

Developed an app that allows users to create flashcards to memorize any topic of choice. Create decks of flashcards for studying. This App was built using React.js, JavaScript, and CSS

Git Repo